Monday, October 17, 2011

The Changes in People

         I think we all run across the question, "Can people really change?"  That question is asked far more than, "Can I really change?" I feel as if people expect others to change rather change than themselves. What happens when you are faced with not wanting someone or something to change?  In my belief, people can change.  People always DO change, life always changes.  Now, nobody said it was a change for the worse. But overtime, people will change. It's inevitable.
          For the younger generation, changes are always occurring. Those are the years that you are experiencing what life is all about. It's the time that you meet new people, lose the "life long" friends, and grow as a person.  Growing IS a part of change by the way, for the ones that don't believe in change but believe in growth in a person. It may not be a change that most people see, but if you change something you do, or don't do, you have changed.  As you grow older and have become set in your ways, I do not believe it's impossible to change, but it becomes more of a challenge to obtain a change.  But as I said, change isn't always for the worse.  Something can happen in someone's life that can change them for the better.     

               The downfall I find in today's society, is expecting something or someone to never change... expecting something to last forever.  The future ISN'T guaranteed. No matter what promises or words are said relying on what is to come.  Over time, something will change.  Then comes the question, can you handle that change?  If you rely on something to be forever, you might as well live your life on the edge and just wait to hit that bottom.  Nothing is forever. (  Forever-without ever ending)  What never ends? Friends? Happiness? Life? Love? The unfortunate thing about life is, everything ends... making forever another one of those words that are unattainable to procure. Someone prove me wrong. Find me infinity. Show me that someone's love never changed. Find me the friends that made it forever.  Did one die before the other, leaving one without a friend?  Let me meet one person that had a happiness that was never broken with tears. Prove to me that a change has never occurred somewhere in life.
             I find myself living by a quote that I wrote a couple years ago, "Life isn't easy, but once you realize that there is never a forever, life will be easier. Just never easy."  I think that's the hard thing about life.  It is always changing and it becomes hard for people to keep up with.  With the future being a mystery, we never know where our path in life will take us. If you're not ready for something to end, simply don't begin what you don't want to end.  Now we obviously don't have that option with life, because we are all brought into this world with the knowledge that we will one day no longer be. But you're going to lose friends, fall out of love, and eventually die. That's how life goes. Change is unstoppable and sometimes it's impossible. Find out who you are and embrace the changes for the better and refuse the opportunities to change for the worse. But never, never expect someone else to never change.  Time and life experiences will cause changes in people that may not even realize that they have changed. Be who you are and live life depending on who you are, not on who someone else is or who they will be with you.

                        Yours truly,
                      Amanda Rae

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

        For a little over a month I have been writing in a notebook. It's not so much the writing as you would expect, more like jotting down the emotions I don't usually tend to.  It was writing all the random thoughts I questioned or all the emotions I constantly deceive.  This is a notebook for only yours truly, and nobody else. The purpose of this notebook is not to show other's how I feel, but to organize and prioritize my emotions. Well, I ended up writing a page that has stuck with me.. The date of writing this page was 09/28/2011. I'm writing this blog a little late, but you see, I have gone back to my hometown for a visit and now I'm finding the time and words to write this blog.  I'm choosing to show my readers one of my pages, word for word, out of my notebook.  I'll write what I have and then follow up with some insight.  Big step, so enjoy.

Taking Risks;
        Short term risks, we make every day.
        Long terms risks are what I question,
        Life isn't mapped out, so we must make our own fate, or what I call path. Each road we take changes the course or direction of our path. So when you face a decision that will affect you long term, do you risk it? Or do you avoid it and keep walking the path you know?  When is taking a risk worth it? Will you know?
        Life is a guessing game.  So is the beauty of life taking risks and seeing where it takes you?
        How many risks should you take?  Should there be a limit?  What if you've taken the same risk before? Can it take you on a separate path?  Or does the same risk always end the same way, leading to the same path?
        Life can lead you to a comfort zone with no risks.
        Can life bring me all the same joys with no risks?  Or is that not really living?  Does living with out risks lead to a hidden unhappiness?
        Or should I just be asking, is experiencing love really a risk?

        So what is my question really?  There are too many to find just one I'm asking.  Risks, they are everywhere. We all make bad decisions time to time, but learning from mistakes is what makes the difference. Learning from a bad decision can actually lead you to a better path in my opinion.  Thing is, what happens when you find that comfort zone?  The place at which you are happy because nothing can actually affect your path.  You're not relying on anyone or anything to bring you happiness or facing any major life changes.  When you've reached that place and run across a decision, do you risk it?  Should you really risk your happiness when you are already happy?  Why do we constantly try to improve our state of emotions?  I see too many people taking too many risks and their life becomes a roller coaster of emotions.  I'd rather have the neutral zone where my happiness stays at an even pace.
        Now, what if that risk is a chance at experiencing love? Is that the kind of risk you should take?  Well, there lies the questions of what kind of person are you trying to love, or what kind of person are you, in order to love.  What if you've been in that risk before?  People say it can be different.  They say that each relationship is different or the person you fell for was wrong.  Well, what if I'm the wrong one?  Then is risking your happiness for love worth it?  I don't think so. 

        We all learn from our mistakes or our mistaken paths we've traveled.  We are all different, but if you find yourself finding the same weary path over and over again, stop taking that risk.  Stop making the same decisions.  Make a change, for what you're feeling can only be felt by you.  Nobody truly cares about how you feel.  That's a mistake you should never make.

                        Yours truly,
                       Amanda Rae